Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 2

As announced yesterday, Day 2 was a lot more challenging. I thought really long about which book or series to choose. Really really long. Here is what I came up with.

Day 02 - A book or series you wish more people were reading and talking about

Some years ago when visiting London with my mum, I found a book called “Teacher Teacher” by Jack Sheffield. It is the beginning of a series about Jack Sheffield when he was head teacher in a small rural school in North Yorkshire. It is fantastically written and really inspiring because while reading, you can see all the wonderful and charming characters before your inner eye and I had the feeling that Jack Sheffield really loves his job and the kids he is teaching.

The other books of this series are called “Mister Teacher”, “Dear Teacher”, “Village Teacher” and this month the fifth novel “Please Sir!” was published.
I am excited that there finally is a new book to this series and I am so sure that I am not going to wait till I’m in London in April to purchase this one.


  1. Gibt es diese Bücher auch in der deutschen Übersetzung? Ich habe für mein Studium soviel zu lesen...und auch wenn ich meine posts auf Englisch veröffentliche (ich gebe mir Mühe)...Deutsch wäre mir lieber! Deine Beschreibung klingt sehr interessant...sie macht mich neugierig.

    Lg Chris

  2. Ja, ich denke schon, dass es diese Bücher schon auf Deutsch auch gibt. Zumindest die ersten beiden Bände sollte es schon geben laut Amazon. Ich hoff sie gefallen dir.

    Lg Karin
